About Me

The Radiant Journey

Life changed when I was diagnosed with stage 4 colorectal cancer at 29 years old. Since then, I’ve been through countless treatments, surgeries, and moments of uncertainty.

The Road to Resilence

This timeline represents not just the medical milestones, but the emotional journey—moments of fear, hope, and ultimately resilience. I’m sharing my story to inspire and support others who may be facing a similar path.

January 2019
Initial Symptoms
I began experiencing unusual symptoms, leading to a series of doctor visits.
May 2019
The Diagnosis
Diagnosed with stage 4 rectal cancer after a biopsy revealed an adenocarcinoma with a KRAS mutation.

Emotional and mental toll as I processed what this meant for my life.
July 2019
FOLFOX Chemotherapy Begins
Started an aggressive chemotherapy regimen (FOLFOX).

Side effects included fatigue, nausea, and neuropathy, but I pushed through.

Other Common Side Effects of FOLFOX:‍

  • Gastrointestinal Issues
  • Mouth Sores
  • Bruising and bleeding
  • Infection
  • Hair loss or thinning
November 2019
Radiation Therapy
Underwent daily radiation sessions to target the primary tumor in my pelvis.

The Elekta Versa HD

Cedars-Sinai uses this advanced radiation therapy machine designed to deliver highly precise and customizable cancer treatments, including stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) and intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), while minimizing damage to surrounding healthy tissue

March 2020
Low Anterior Resection & Ileostomy
Surgery to remove the primary tumor and receive a temporary ileostomy.

Adjusting to life with a stoma was difficult, but I learned to adapt.
May 2020
Ileostomy Reversal
Successfully had the ileostomy reversed.

It felt like a big step toward getting back to normal life.



a surgical operation in which a piece of the ileum is diverted to an artificial opening in the abdominal wall

February 2021
Liver Surgery
Underwent surgery to remove multiple liver lesions from metastatic disease.

The recovery process was slow and painful, but each day brought progress.
May 2021 -
March 2023
Multiple Lung Nodule Ablations
Underwent the first of many ablation procedures to treat recurrent lung nodules detected during a routine scan.

The lung ablations were done under general anesthesia while the doctor guided the probe into my lung while viewing a live CT image.

June 2021
Collapsed Lung
Suffered a collapsed lung (pneumothorax) following a lung ablation procedure.

The experience was terrifying, but I received a chest tube to help re-expand the lung to proper size.

What is a collapsed lung / pneumothorax?

A pneumothorax occurs when air leaks into the space between your lung and chest wall. This air pushes on the outside of your lung and makes it collapse. A pneumothorax can be caused by a blunt or penetrating chest injury, certain medical procedures, or damage from underlying lung disease.

September 2021
Blood Clot Detected
A routine scan found a blood clot, which required immediate anticoagulation therapy.

I had severe pain in my shoulder area that would not resolve, and after receiving an ultrasound, a blood clot was found in the same artery as my chemotherapy  port.

The Importance of Treating Blood Clots

Blood clots are usually harmless. They form whenever we cut or scrape our skin or bump into something and get a bruise. However, when blood clots form within blood vessels they can obstruct blood flow, a condition called thrombosis. That could mean trouble. If a clot in an artery breaks free and travels through the circulatory system, it can cause blockages affecting the heart, lungs, and other organs—potentially shutting them down.

February 2022
Dialysis Begins
Due to complications affecting kidney function, I began dialysis.

This added a new layer of challenge to daily life. Staying motivated through this period was extremely difficult for me.
March 2023
NED (No Evidence of Disease)
After several clear scans, I was declared NED—a moment I had long hoped for.

This was a turning point in my life, marking the transition from active treatment to survivorship.
July 2024
Welcomed my daughter, Cameryn, into the world—a bright light after years of darkness.
Embracing the Next Chapter
Today, I’m focused on building a meaningful life for myself and my daughter, Cameryn. Through Radiant14, I’m sharing my story, raising awareness about young-onset colorectal cancer, and creating a community of hope, strength, and resilience. Life threw its hardest punches, but I’m still standing—ready to inspire, grow, and give back.

If you or someone you know is on a similar path, know that you’re not alone. Join our community or support Radiant14 by donating below.

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